Machine Marks!

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Machine Marks!

Post by Schrack »

I wonder why the shaft tracks were never polished, seems most of the time the rough surface has alot
To do with issues.
I have found if you make track smooth reels have hardly any pulsating problems.
Alot of thought was put into the design and manufacture but very little about polishing places that should have been.

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Re: Machine Marks!

Post by Baron2 »

As a new technician I could just see myself polishing that and causing a sloppy fit. My Knickname as a Kid on the farm was Wreck'em'all.

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Re: Machine Marks!

Post by Bailarm »

One of the first places I 'fettled' a Mitchell reel was the coarse fly cutting of the flat on the axle. It made a huge difference.

One doesn't need to remove the deep grooves so much as the flatten off the ridges either side of them that the human eye doesn't really see. But the fingertip can feel them.

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Re: Machine Marks!

Post by Schrack »

Roger Dat, it creates less friction, even the little ones.

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