Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

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Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by JEFF57 »

I'm new to the board and not sure where to post this, but I have a question on a Garcia Mitchell 300 box. The reel serial number is 9026701 and I'm trying to find if my box is right for the reel. According to the serial number, this appears to be a 1955 reel? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Don't have a way of posting pics here but can text photos so please contact me and I can send pics. The box I have has a removable side panel with a blue insert. Never seen it before.

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Re: Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by JEFF57 »

This is why I said the reel is from 1955. Near the end of the 1955 reel run? Is this the correct year or?

1955 – SN 624001 to 1004270 (SN 624001 was the earliest 5th Version I’ve found)

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Re: Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by jtwill98 »

If the serial number (9026701) is correct, then the serial number falls in this range: 1969 – SN 8603501 to 9244733.

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Re: Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by GreatLaker »

JEFF57, :text-welcomeconfetti:

I can tell you I've taken more than a second look at Wallace's dating guide before. :lol:

If we've settled on your reel number as being for a 1969 reel, I thought you might like to know, that means, your reel is what we call here at the MRM, and many other collectors as well, a seventh version Mitchell 300.

Seventh version Mitchell 300 reels (1967-1976) have several prominent features that place them in that category.
-A new anti-reverse lever design. Changed from the old boomerang shape to the new straight design.
-New cover plate design. Mitchell added two posts to the cover plate as part of the mold design. These serve as stop posts for the A/R lever.
-The model numbers engraved on the cover plate are now shown as 300 as opposed to the former 3-0-0.
-The lock nut or counter weight, on the reel handle has changed. The lock nut's interior is now threaded, and screws on, to hold the handle shaft in place. Also, look for outer knurling on the end of the lock nut along with a notch in the very tip, these are to aid in tightening the lock nut.
-A new plastic anti-reverse dog design was introduced to the drive train around 1969-70.

There are several other minor changes to the reel that occurred during this time but I hope I covered the major ones.

Finding a correct box, that is totally authentic and complete for a 7th version, is not easy. :cry: The 7th version box is similar to the black and red plastic boxes found on 6th versions with a few minor changes. It can be difficult to find the interior yellow plastic tray for the box, now days, as they are quite fragile. It can also be quite challenging to find the outer paper sleeve that went over the plastic box as well. Then there are the stickers found on the outside of the box. These stickers have the serial number of the reel printed on them so finding a box sticker with the same S/N as the reel is not easy either. :text-lol:

Discovering hard to find reels and boxes is part of the collecting game and many of us love the hunt, especially when you run across an illusive item you've been hunting for over many years.

Best of luck

Kind Regards,
Bill :D
300 7thV ebay pics p1-edited.jpg
300 7thV ebay pics p1-edited.jpg (211.83 KiB) Viewed 6312 times
300 7thV ebay pics p2-edited.jpg
300 7thV ebay pics p2-edited.jpg (210.26 KiB) Viewed 6312 times
300 7thV ebay pics p10-edited.jpg
300 7thV ebay pics p10-edited.jpg (170.98 KiB) Viewed 6312 times

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Re: Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by JEFF57 »

My box is completely different than the one shown. Also, I don't believe that a clamshell box would fit into this cardboard box. The reel appears to be the same. The box I have has a cardboard insert type thing that is removable and sits in a picture window on the long end of the box. Never seen the box before ( in person or even a photo ) and I have had many many Mitchells. It also has a code of 05010. I am unable to post pics, but if someone would contact me at [email protected] or text me at 814-221-8463, I could send a text with photos if I have a number. It's not critical for me to know this, but knowledge is everything, right?

So you're saying that the serial number aging chart is potentially wrong? The number I posted is correct and would fit in the time frame I mentioned because the high end number is 10 million something and my reel is 9 million something. Not doubting your word, just stating what it says to me. I believe what you're telling me. But I would really like for someone to look at the reel and the box to tell me if they are the same vintage. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Re: Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by GreatLaker »

Sorry you are confused. Let me try and sort this out. :text-imsorry:

First, the Mitchell Fishing Reel Dating Guide by Wallace Carney, I believe to be a work of art. I trust it completely so whatever I said that made you think to the contrary was not intended. :oops:

You posted that your reel has a serial number of nine million twenty six thousand seven hundred and one or 9026701 or 9,026,701 correct?
Now look at the dating guide. You are saying that your serial number fits between six hundred twenty four thousand and one and one million four thousand two hundred and seventy (1955). But your reel S/N is over nine million. Go down the chart to 1969. There the range is eight million six hundred three thousand five hundred and one and 9 million two hundred and forty four thousand seven hundred and thirty three, correct?

Not being able to see your reel or the reel box you have makes it difficult to tell exactly what you have. :? That said, it sounds to me like you have one of the black cardboard window boxes. :banana-blonde: These boxes have a card that fits into the window which tells the make, model, code and etc. of the enclosed reel. The card colors used for the U.S. were red. The Garcia Mitchell code 05010 would be for a late 7th version or 8th version Mitchell 300. Problem is these boxes came out in 1975-76 time frame, while your reel is 1969.

I hope this helps you to better understand my post and I apologize for the confusion.
Kind Regards,
Bill :D

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Re: Garcia Mitchell 300 box identification.

Post by JEFF57 »

That info has resolved a lot of my questions. I thank you very much for taking the time to help.

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