
Discussions On All Vintage Mitchell Reels...
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Post by Fishabout »

Looks like this site is going downhill again .

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Re: Dejevu

Post by piscesman »

I don't think that is it. Not many people fishing or able to scour marketplaces or flea markets. I haven't open water fish since 9/2021 and other things have took presidence. There others sites that are look at me and not much to do with repairs or history. Once the warm weather is here things should pick up.

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Re: Dejevu

Post by don309 »

I have spent the winter, working on reels, I receive last fall at flea markets. Also built some rods. Like Kim said summer brings more deals on reels and people "they will come" looking for help. I for one will be fishing alot till the cold weather comes back.

Not home retired and fishing! Or playing with my Mitchell's!
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Re: Dejevu

Post by Schrack »

Roger Dat, people steal threads, no one answers technical questions.
Kind of disapointing.
Was seriously thinking about with drawing from site.
Just not the same.
Lots of times I answer my own questions.
Guess since people think they are above us , they can not be bothered with the Middle Class.
Its a darn Shame.
The old site at least you received a little respect.
AMEN, Enough about the Mouse!!!!!!!!

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Ted Lanham
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Re: Dejevu

Post by Ted Lanham »

I'm sure you are aware that there are not as many mates joining in on the fun here since so much of the information we once had here has disappeared. That along with many of the older guys have lost some of the interest in GM that they once had could account for some of your lack of immediate answers to questions. Another thing to consider, is that as we age, some have medical problems that interfere with what we do on a daily basis.
Considering that, I don't think that the using words like "people think they are above us, they cannot be bothered with the Middle Class" is appropriate.
I know for myself, since I never messed with any of the Mitchells except the 300's and that for some questions, I just don't have answers.

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Re: Dejevu

Post by Schrack »

Well you told me, guess I deserve it, about age I am up their too, and have a few issues, but I don't let that stop me.
Still work full time after giving the Air Force 40 years.
I will not stop fishing until it is totally impossible.
In my mind I am still 21, but the Body has a different opinion.
I will always give best advice and help out if possible.
I feel bad for those who have given up.
However I do not understand why so many folks just quit the forum.
I have observed slot of the younger folks have no work ethics and integrity really ad.
My Mitchell's give me a great hobby, bringing them back to life.
The folks that buy mine know I am here for them and most folks keep them perfect.
I am sorry for offending anyone.
Don't Give Up!

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Re: Dejevu

Post by don309 »

I'm still here for the reason I joined. To get help with my Mitchell's, instead of sending them out to be fixed. I guess it's been about 6 years now. I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned, and pay forward with information when I can. I have also made some great friend here!! I think a lot of people that join the site, are like I was. Sit back a soak up all the knowledge I could.

Not home retired and fishing! Or playing with my Mitchell's!
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Re: Dejevu

Post by yellowthroat »

I have been been keeping 300's and 308's functioning for about fifty years and am still learning about them. Parts I have needed in the past have been readily available and the reels are simple in design. Guess it might also seem to make me simple, too, but in my short time as a member I have learned a lot.

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Re: Dejevu

Post by shootrj2003 »

I came here looking for answers but usually if I know something I’ll contribute to help and I do know a bit about 300’s and thier ilk,I also know a guy locally that repairs Mitchell’s,at least he did a few years ago but I went to thruway and they still had his card on file in the fishing Dept.and said he still does,so I have to visit him.He had a mess of parts for Mitchell’s years ago ,I have a reel I’ve used for parts and I want it to be again ,so ….it’s the only one I have that’s not complete and working.I am still learning,I just recently found out about the little hole in some spools for the line!my first Mitchell came to me in the late 70’s and I still have it ,ithink! I’ve quite a crowd of them now,along with other various reels old and I guess many of us are the “ new” old guys that know stuff wether we like it,or know it,or not!

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