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Prince 308

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:56 pm
by Robcfish
Howdy Gentleman
I recently purchased a Prince 308. Upon cleaning said reel. I noticed that unfortunately someone had intentionally scratched or filed the serial number off. I've been trying a few different things to Reed at least what's left of the number, if there's anything left to read. I was just wondering if you all had any suggestions?
Yah I know that makes this reel Hot, someone stole it from someone a scratched the numbers. All I know is I bought it and didn't steel it. I brought it to the sellers attention as it was not mentioned in the add. They said they had no idea .
It had to of Ben kids because both spools had at least 100lb braided line with the drags on Noth spools cranked down so tight. I almost couldn't get them apart. Thanks again Rob C Fish

Re: Prince 308

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:55 pm
by Sandman
Rob, we can know the year of manufacture (pretty close) by the characteristics. If you post good photos we can tell you.

Baby powder and high magnifier is the best method to read serial numbers. Which only goes so far.
