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44A Bail arm snap ring?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:39 am
by Martin O'Leary
Hi, I am new to this site and would like to ask a question regarding a "Match 44A" I have built one using parts from 3 reels. I need a part from the bail arm to complete it! At the end of the bail arm wire there is a small grove that has a "split clip" to locate the fixing nut but i cant find where I can get one from, or the required size!! Is there a parts list available to download that would detail the part required? It seems a shame not to complete my little project due to missing one tiny component. Any help would be gratefully accepted. Martin.

Re: 44A Bail arm snap ring?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:20 pm
by Ted Lanham
Martin O'Leary,
:text-welcomeconfetti: to the Mitchell Reel Museum.
I'm not familiar with a "Match 44A". Might you mean 440A?

Ted Lanham

Re: 44A Bail arm snap ring?

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:01 pm
by jtwill98
I don't recall seeing a snap ring to hold the bail to the arm, only a nut. Perhaps a c-clip would work.

If anyone can answer your question, it would be Fred Oakes in the forum at the He has the largest collection of donor reels, new and used parts for Mitchell reels that I've ever came across. Send him a private message or post the question in the Mitchell forum channel at that site, if you don't get a response here.

Re: 44A Bail arm snap ring?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:44 am
by jtwill98
I was wondering if what you think is a slot for a clip, isn't really just a part of the threads left behind from where someone may have broken the bail by trying to remove a seized nut. Just a thought.

Here's the link showing a portion of what Fred has available. I believe someone else was looking for a spool for a Mitchell 308/408, they might want to check with him as well.

Fred posted the following in January:
(18) 27 Quart Crates of New Old Stock Mitchell parts.
(22) 27 Quart Crates of complete Mitchell Reels.
600 - 700 Mitchell spools