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Mitchell 397

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:37 am
by Fishabout
Hi I was looking at production numbers on this sites home page noticed the 397 only produced between 1969 - 1970 at only 1929 reels made very low so the search began funny enough found one here in OZ . Pulled her down cleaned her up and it spins like a top and in pretty good condition for 50 .
I noticed there is not a lot of info or pics on the net for the 397 Mitchell if anyone can share some that would be nice . Cheers.

Re: Mitchell 397

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 1:43 pm
by piscesman
Nice find fishabout. They are actually good to fish with. Just need to getting use to weight. When wife and I go south once a year and surf fish I bring a variety of Mitchells down with me. We don't target big fish but once in a while we do hook a "big" one. As long as the line holds out and proper drag adjustment we are able be beach it. Depending on species line gets cut or hook removed prior to release.